
Showing posts from October, 2024

The Importance of Voter Outreach: Why Every Voice Matters

  With less than three weeks left until election day, we have been in non-stop voter outreach mode from phonebanking to voter registration to various community events to get out the vote in our local communities. The election will come with consequences no matter what the outcome. This 2024 election is likely to be the most consequential than any other election we've seen in the history of elections in the U.S. Having this knowledge means we should be doing everything we can to be engaged and doing our part. In the words of Michelle Obama " Do Something ". We are making sure we're doing something and encouraging others to do something too. Voter outreach is a critical aspect of any democratic process. It's not just about getting people to the polls—it's about empowering communities, informing individuals, and ensuring that every voice has the opportunity to be heard. Here's why voter outreach is essential: 1. Education and Awareness: Many people are una

Your Vote, Your Voice: Why Every Vote Counts

As citizens, we have the power to shape our communities and influence the direction of our country through a fundamental right: the right to vote. Each election offers us a unique opportunity to express our opinions, advocate for our values, and impact the issues that matter most to us. I believe its not only our right and responsibility to vote but that we have an obligation to do so. Obligation is something that you must do because it is morally right. For this very reason, I wrote about it in my book Sacred Civic Action. The power to make a change lies within us and its up to us to be the change we hope to see in the world. Here’s why your vote and your voice truly matter. The Power of Participation Voting is one of the most direct ways to participate in democracy. When we cast our ballots, we’re not just selecting candidates; we’re signaling our priorities and concerns. Every vote contributes to a collective voice that can drive change, challenge the status quo, and push for pol

Navigating Parenthood Outside of Marriage: A Biblical Perspective

So much has been said and a lot of talk on different political issues has been at the forefront of many of our political leaders and faith leaders public messaging. One topic in particular that does not receive a lot of attention that is worth addressing I believe is that of parenthood outside of marriage. I recently came across some very interesting content on LBP's YouTube channel. There is a video series called " Folks " from the 1980's that I find fascinating and considering the fact I was under 5 years of age when the videos were recorded. There are numerous topics covered from Jazz in Louisiana to the Civil Rights Movement to Teenage Pregnancy. I don't usually binge watch however I will definitely be binge watching this series to learn about life in Louisiana in the 1980s, a time when I was just entering the world. In one of the videos as I was watching, one state representative from Louisiana caught my attention as he talked about the high rates of women a