
Showing posts from September, 2024

Living a Life That Honors God: A Path to Purpose and Fulfillment

In a world where priorities shift constantly, it's easy to lose sight of what truly matters. For those of us committed to living a life of faith, honoring God is a daily pursuit that anchors us in purpose and fulfillment. But what does it mean to truly honor God? And how can we make it a central part of our lives? I know for me I want to live my life in a way that when others see my life, it causes them to examine their own lives and self reflect on how they are truly living. And I'm not saying in any way that I'm perfect or that I live a perfect life. I do strive for excellence and my true intention is to live to the highest standard and that is the standard of Christ. I do miss the mark and fall short sometimes and who doesn't. As humans we fall short and it's okay! I repeat, it's okay. When we fall short and are aware of our shortcomings, ask for forgiveness, repent, and keep going living a life that honors God. Don't be so hard on yourself. What It Means

Defending Life: Understanding the Right to Life in the Pro-Life Movement

 "Always love Mom and Baby" were the words of the colorful floor sign that stood on display at the Pro-Life Summit at Bethany Church in Baton Rouge on July 20th. The Pro-Life Summit was an informational event to discuss the current landscape of the pro-life movement and share resources to encourage the community to get involved with helping moms and babies. The Pro-Life summit was one of the best conferences I've ever attended. This summit was a first for me, in fact I didn't know a conference like this even existed. What made this gathering different was that it was about what we can do for others and not necessarily about what we can do for ourselves. I've participated in a lot of ministry and business conferences, summits, workshops, etc. as well as community events. I've gathered with people from all walks of life in various spaces for various causes. Usually when I attend conferences and workshops, its usually about "what's in it for me" or